On the pathway to transformational leadership

The real leader of the fabrique is someone who knows where they are going. They know why they are going and how they will get there. They know with whom they are going.

Moreover, they understand that their personal well-being contributes to more than 50% of their performance.

And they want to give their best, every day.

At work.  At home.  In life.

The most common error people make

is to assume that excellent technical knowledge will make an employee a qualified manager.
It is also frequently believed that leaders are born with the knowledge and desire to inspire others.

This is compounded by the fact that not enough attention is given to the role of a leader and when attention is given, we insist on applying the same methods to all different types of people.


In a relaxed atmosphere we will discuss and debate the real fundamentals of the role of a leader during individual sessions, removing outdated habits and revisiting the ‘what, why & how’ of your position.  With weekly interactions, we will put in place an action plan to deploy within your department.


We’ll meet twice a month during a two-month period during this interative phase of your training. Reassessing these changes is a critical step to assure the integration of new methodologies with you and your team.


The overarching goal of this process is to equip you with the tools and knowledge to execute your role with confidence.  We will be present, either in videoconference of face-to-face sessions, in the succession of events in the life of a leader: preparing appraisals, salary review, feedback to staff, promotions, crisis management.

At this end of this ‘fabrique’, the manager has become a leader, understanding and integrating a holistic role.  Armed with the reasons for undertaking leadership responsibilities, they see the sense of why this role is critical to business success and discover how this aligns with personal satisfaction.  This is the lasting imprint of a Blue Brain.